How Often Married Couples Have Sex: 15 Couples Explain

Curious about how often couples are getting it on? You won't believe the candid responses from 15 different pairs. From once a week to once a month, the range of intimacy levels might surprise you. If you're looking to spice things up in the bedroom, consider checking out some of the best websites for threesomes here. Who knows, it might just be the thing to bring some excitement back into your relationship!

When it comes to married couples and their sex lives, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Some couples have sex multiple times a week, while others may go weeks or even months without being intimate. In this article, we'll explore the frequency of sex in marriage by hearing from 15 different couples about their experiences. From newlyweds to couples who have been married for decades, these individuals provide insight into the ups and downs of maintaining a healthy sex life within a committed relationship.

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The Newlyweds: Sarah and James

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Sarah and James, who have been married for just over a year, say that they have sex an average of three times a week. "We're still in the honeymoon phase, so our sex life is pretty active," Sarah explains. "We make an effort to prioritize intimacy, even when life gets busy."

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The Parents: Amanda and Michael

Amanda and Michael, who have two young children, admit that their sex life has taken a backseat since becoming parents. "We're lucky if we have sex once a month," Amanda confesses. "Between work, kids, and household responsibilities, there's just not a lot of time or energy left for intimacy."

The Long-Distance Couple: Emily and David

Emily and David are in a long-distance marriage, with David working overseas for extended periods. "When we're together, we make the most of our time and have sex every day," Emily says. "But when David is away, we have to rely on other forms of intimacy, like phone sex and video calls."

The Empty Nesters: Lisa and Mark

Now that their children have left home, Lisa and Mark have found that they have more time for each other. "We've been married for 30 years, and our sex life has definitely evolved over time," Mark shares. "We're having sex about once a week now, and it's more relaxed and enjoyable than it was when we were younger."

The Busy Professionals: Rebecca and Matthew

As high-powered professionals with demanding careers, Rebecca and Matthew struggle to find time for intimacy. "We're lucky if we have sex once every couple of months," Matthew admits. "It's something we're actively working on improving, but it's definitely a challenge."

The Empty-Nesters: Rachel and John

Rachel and John, who have been married for 25 years, have found that their sex life has improved now that their children have left home. "We have sex about twice a week, and it's been great to reconnect as a couple," Rachel says. "We're finally able to focus on our relationship without the distractions of parenting."

The High-School Sweethearts: Lauren and Chris

Lauren and Chris, who have been together since high school, have found that their sex life has had its ebbs and flows. "We went through a period where we were only having sex once a month, but we've made an effort to prioritize intimacy and now we're back to about three times a week," Chris explains.

The Retirees: Patricia and Robert

Now that they're retired, Patricia and Robert have plenty of time for each other. "We've been married for 40 years, and we're having sex about once a week," Patricia shares. "It's been wonderful to have the freedom to prioritize our relationship and intimacy."

The Military Couple: Jessica and Brian

As a military couple, Jessica and Brian have had to navigate the challenges of deployments and long periods of separation. "When Brian is home, we make up for lost time and have sex every day," Jessica says. "But when he's away, it's definitely tough to maintain that level of intimacy."

The Second Marriage: Michelle and Daniel

Both Michelle and Daniel are in their second marriage, and they've found that their experiences in their previous relationships have shaped their sex life. "We're having sex about twice a week, and we make an effort to communicate openly about our needs and desires," Daniel explains. "It's made a big difference in our relationship."

The Unconventional Couple: Ashley and Alex

Ashley and Alex have an open marriage, and they both have other partners in addition to each other. "We have sex with each other about once a week, but we also have the freedom to explore our sexuality with other people," Ashley says. "It's brought a new level of excitement and fulfillment to our relationship."

The Stay-at-Home Parents: Jennifer and Adam

As stay-at-home parents, Jennifer and Adam have found that their sex life has taken a hit. "We're lucky if we have sex once a month," Jennifer admits. "It's something we're actively working on improving, but it's definitely a challenge with the demands of parenting."

The Couple in Therapy: Nicole and Eric

Nicole and Eric have been going to couples therapy to work on their intimacy issues. "We're having sex about once a month, but it's been a struggle for us," Eric shares. "Therapy has helped us to address our underlying issues and work towards a healthier sex life."

The Couple in a Sexless Marriage: Amanda and Jason

Amanda and Jason have been married for 10 years, but they haven't had sex in over a year. "We're currently in a sexless marriage, and it's been incredibly difficult for both of us," Amanda confesses. "We're seeking help from a therapist to try and work through our issues."


As we can see from the experiences of these 15 couples, the frequency of sex in a marriage can vary widely depending on a multitude of factors, including age, stage of life, and individual circumstances. While some couples are able to maintain a healthy and active sex life, others may struggle to find the time or desire for intimacy. It's clear that communication, prioritization, and effort are key ingredients for a satisfying and fulfilling sex life within a committed relationship. By sharing their stories, these couples have provided valuable insight into the complexities of maintaining intimacy within a marriage.